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UAH - Business. Graduates with degrees in Accounting, Economics, Information Systems, and other Business majors are among those with the most job offers and the highest starting salaries. Reference: Adams, Susan. The College Degrees That Get the Most Job Offers, Forbes, 1/2. Using data from the National Association for Colleges and Employers (NACE). Undergraduate Programs. Graduate Programs. Study Abroad. UAH College of Business.

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Local, state and federal dignitaries attended a groundbreaking ceremony today for the D. S. Davidson Invention to Innovation Center ….

U. S. Smartphone Use in 2. Key Themes of This Report. Americans own a smartphone but do not have broadband at home, and 1. Those with relatively low income and educational attainment levels, younger adults, and non- whites are especially likely to be “smartphone- dependent.”Smartphones are widely used for navigating numerous important life activities, from researching a health condition to accessing educational resources.

Lower- income and “smartphone- dependent” users are especially likely to turn to their phones for navigating job and employment resources. A majority of smartphone owners use their phone to follow along with breaking news, and to share and be informed about happenings in their local community. Smartphones help users navigate the world around them, from turn- by- turn driving directions to assistance with public transit. This is especially true for younger users. An “experience sampling” of smartphone owners over the course of a week illustrates how young adults have deeply embedded mobile devices into the daily contours of their lives. The experience sampling survey illustrates that smartphone usage often produces feelings of productivity and happiness, but that many users also feel distracted or frustrated after mobile screen encounters.

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The traditional notion of “going online” often evokes images of a desktop or laptop computer with a full complement of features, such as a large screen, mouse, keyboard, wires, and a dedicated high- speed connection. But for many Americans, the reality of the online experience is substantially different. Today nearly two- thirds of Americans own a smartphone, and 1. Americans rely to some degree on a smartphone for accessing online services and information and for staying connected to the world around them — either because they lack broadband at home, or because they have few options for online access other than their cell phone.

We know you’ve got a cool bag with some smart ideas inside, so let us know! Share your bag in our Lifehacker Go Bag Show and Tell Flickr pool, shoot me a message. · I'm the Contributing Editor, Investigations, for Forbes magazine — and writing a book about Bernard Madoff, to be published by Simon & Schuster. Ro Laren was a Bajoran national who formerly served in Starfleet aboard the Federation starship.

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Indeed, 7% of Americans own a smartphone but have neither traditional broadband service at home, nor easily available alternatives for going online other than their cell phone. This report documents the unique circumstances of this “smartphone- dependent” population, and also explores the ways in which smartphone owners use their phones to engage in a wide range of activities. Below are some more details about these major findings on the state of smartphone ownership in America today, based on a series of surveys conducted by Pew Research Center in association with the John S. James L. Knight Foundation: Nearly two- thirds of Americans are now smartphone owners, and for many these devices are a key entry point to the online world. American adults now own a smartphone of some kind, up from 3.

Smartphone ownership is especially high among younger Americans, as well as those with relatively high income and education levels. And for a number of Americans, smartphones serve as an essential connection to the broader world of online information. The survey measured reliance on smartphones for online access in two different ways — first, by asking smartphone owners whether or not they have traditional broadband service at home, and second, whether they have a reasonable number of options for accessing the internet in general from any location.

It found that: In all, one- in- five American adults (1. Throughout this report, we refer to this latter group as “smartphone- dependent” users. Certain groups of Americans rely on smartphones for online access at elevated levels, in particular: Younger adults — 1. Americans ages 1. Those with low household incomes and levels of educational attainment — Some 1.

Americans with an annual household income of less than $3. Just 1% of Americans from households earning more than $7. Non- whites — 1. 2% of African Americans and 1. Latinos are smartphone- dependent, compared with 4% of whites. Compared with smartphone owners who are less reliant on their mobile devices, these smartphone- dependent users are less likely to own some other type of computing device, less likely to have a bank account, less likely to be covered by health insurance, and more likely to rent or to live with a friend or family member rather than own their own home. The connections to online resources that smartphones facilitate are often most tenuous for those users who rely on those connections the most. Even as a substantial minority of Americans indicate that their phone plays a central role in their ability to access digital services and online content, for many users this access is often intermittent due to a combination of financial stresses and technical constraints.

Nearly half (4. 8%) of smartphone- dependent Americans have had to cancel or shut off their cell phone service for a period of time because the cost of maintaining that service was a financial hardship. In addition, 3. 0% of smartphone- dependent Americans say that they “frequently” reach the maximum amount of data that they are allowed to consume as part of their cell phone plan, and 5. Each of these figures is substantially higher than those reported by smartphone owners with more access options at their disposal.

Smartphone owners of all kinds use their phone to help navigate numerous important life events; lower income and “smartphone- dependent” users are especially likely to use their phone for job and employment resources. Smartphones are used for much more than calling, texting, or basic internet browsing. Users are turning to these mobile devices as they navigate a wide range of life events: 6.

Lower- income smartphone owners are especially likely to use their phone during a job search. Compared with smartphone owners from households earning $7. Similarly, “smartphone- dependent” users are much more likely to use their smartphones to access career opportunities. Young adults (8. 5% of whom are smartphone owners) are also incorporating their mobile devices into a host of information seeking and transactional behaviors.

About three- quarters of 1. A majority of smartphone owners use their phone to follow along with breaking news, and to share and be informed about happenings in their local community; smartphones also help users navigate the world around them, from turn by turn driving directions to assistance with public transit. A substantial majority of smartphone owners use their phone to follow along with news events near and far, and to share details of local happenings with others: Each of these behaviors is common across a diverse group of smartphone owners.