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Breastfeeding to Sleep and Other Comfort Nursing • Kelly. Mom. com. Many mothers feel guilty for breastfeeding their baby for comfort or as they drift off to sleep. Breastfeeding your child to sleep and for comfort is not a bad thing to do– in fact, it’s normal, healthy, and developmentally appropriate. Most babies nurse to sleep and wake 1- 3 times during the night for the first year or so. Some babies don’t do this, but they are the exception, not the rule. Many children, if given the choice, prefer to nurse to sleep through the second year and beyond. I’ve never seen a convincing reason why mothers shouldn’t use this wonderful tool that we’ve been given.
Breastfeeding is obviously designed to comfort and help a child sleep. Breastfeeding calms a child and can even help your child handle stress better when not breastfeeding (Beijers et al, 2. Sucking releases the hormone cholecystokinin (CCK) in both mother and baby, which results in a sleepy feeling (Uvnäs- Moberg et al, 1. In addition, breastmilk also contains sleep- inducing hormones, amino acids, and nucleotides, whose concentrations are higher during the night and may actually help babies establish their own circadian rhythms (Sánchez et al, 2. Cohen et al, 2. 01. Have you heard about our sponsor Undercover Mama- Apparel for Pregnant and Nursing Moms?
- The Plot Armor trope as used in popular culture. When Bob is the lead protagonist of a work, his presence is essential to the plot. Accordingly, the rules of.
- I have been thinking about this a lot and wanted to share it with you that moment when you realize that you are done having babies and you are closing that chapter.
- Going from two incomes to one to become a stay at home Mom can be hard! I have learned many tips over the years that have helped our family to save money to be able.
If breastfeeding your child to sleep and/or nursing your child for comfort is working for YOU and your family, that’s all that really matters! Breastfeeding is not only nourishing; it’s also nurturing. Your breast is a wonderful place of comfort and security to your child, not just a “feeding trough”. The time spent breastfeeding your child is a very short period in the total life of your child, but the memories of your love and availability will last him a lifetime. Trust that your child will fall asleep on his own in time, and enjoy every sleepy moment while it lasts. Following are some Frequently Asked Questions…My child sometimes nurses for comfort, when he’s obviously not hungry.
Is this a problem? Comfort nursing is normal. If baby were not comfort nursing he would need to be sucking on his hands or on a pacifier.
The breast was the first pacifier and the one that all others are modeled after, so don’t be afraid to allow baby to use it in this way. There are studies that show that comfort nursing is healthy for your child, too.
Many moms feel guilty for nursing their baby to sleep. Nursing your baby to sleep is not a bad thing to do! It's very normal and developmentally appropriate for.
This video was made last year "for healthcare professionals" by Sparks Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine in Sparks, NV. Watch Big Jake Putlocker. It is the circumcision surgery of newborn baby. The Last Exorcism Part II Full Movie In English.
All babies need to suck – some more than others. It ensures that they survive. If your baby seems to be comfort nursing all the time and this is more than you can handle, keep in mind that this will probably ease some as time goes by. In the meantime, you may find that carrying baby in a sling or a carrier on your body will lessen his need to comfort nurse so much. He may just need to be close to you at times and seeks out nursing as a way to do that.
Comfort nursing serves a purpose, too. Studies seem to indicate that this type of sucking overall decreases a baby’s heart rate and lets him relax. It seems to have a very positive effect on his whole physical and emotional well- being.
Don’t be afraid to allow this type of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is more than just imparting fluids and nourishment. It’s a way to nurture your child as well. Am I creating a bad habit by allowing baby to breastfeed to sleep?
Your child’s desire to nurse to sleep is very normal and not a bad habit you’ve fostered. Don’t be afraid to nurse your baby to sleep or fear that you are perpetuating a bad habit. Baby often will seek the breast when sleepy or over- stimulated because it’s a comforting and familiar place to him. To associate the breast with wanting to relax enough to go to sleep makes perfect sense. As adults, we also do things to relax ourselves so we can go to sleep: we read, watch TV, get something warm to drink or a snack, deep breathe, get all snug under the covers, etc.
Breastfeeding does the same thing for your baby. For many babies at the height of exploration or distractibility, nighttime or naptime can often be the ONLY time the baby will nurse well.
Allowing him to nurse at these times when he is more focused on nursing and less intent on other things helps ensures that he gets enough milk, that your supply is maintained, and that the nursing relationship goes on. Don’t be afraid to nurse at these times or fear that you are perpetuating a bad habit. Instead, take advantage of these times for better nursing. The sleep issue is not merely a matter of good versus bad habits.
It is much more an issue of culture and lifestyle and expectations. Here are three approaches to parenting issues: Forcing baby to change to fit the parent’s lifestyle is one approach. Our American culture tends not to be very baby friendly, and rarely makes accommodations for breastfeeding babies.
The current trend, seen in many popular books and parenting magazines, is to force baby to do all of the accommodating so that we experience as little change in our pre- baby lifestyle as possible; for example, baby MUST sleep through the night so that we get unbroken sleep and a “good” baby is seen as one who makes as few demands on his parents as possible. Another approach is to try to approximate the mothering style of traditional societies and let the parents do all the accommodating. This approach can be very difficult to pull off without lots of support and changes of expectations in the people around us. A third approach is to do as much accommodating on the parental side as possible, and then to “ask” baby to accommodate the last part of the gap.
This is an approach that can work for many families. With this approach, parents do all they can to be sensitive to their baby’s needs, and only ask baby to accommodate when nothing else truly works.
What about letting baby “cry it out?”There are two schools of thought about getting babies to sleep. One is a rather rigid method of “sleep training” where a baby is put down awake in a crib and left to cry himself to sleep so that he learns to “self- soothe” and doesn’t develop sleep associations that require someone else to put him to sleep. This method has been around since the 1. Many of the popular “sleep training” methods of today are modified versions of this (allowing baby to cry for progressively longer periods without comforting him, instead of just leaving him to cry until he gives up and stops). I can’t, with good conscience, recommend the cry- it- out method for getting baby to sleep.
How to become a stay at home mom on one income. When I was pregnant with our first son, I was teaching at a school that I loved. I was enjoying working and loved the children and staff that I worked with every day. With all of that said, I knew that I wanted to be a stay at home Mom. I was going to have to learn how to become a stay at home mom on one income. As much as I love teaching and working with my students, I knew that I wanted to be a stay at home mom even more.
I knew that I could afford it, with a little work on my end… saving and trying to supplement Mickey’s income. I knew that it was going to be hard. Since I first made that decision years ago, back in 2. We now have four children… 3 boys & a little girl. I knew from the month that I quit that I loved being a stay at home Mom.
I missed my students, don’t get me wrong, but I loved being home with our children. I knew that one day, I could choose to go back to work, when our kids were in school. Quite honestly… as a teacher in North Carolina, if I worked and put four kids into daycare, I would be making little to no money each month, after I payed the preschool bill. I still work, a little, but I am with our children for the majority of our days. I work outside of the home about 4 hours a week, as I am a play therapist, so I can still work with children.
I do it while our kids are in preschool one day a week. My friend, Lauren, used to call it “preschool money” when she worked a few hours a week (money for preschool tuition). I work in the evenings on my blog (you can start on here). I love writing and I earn an income doing it, which allows me to stay home with our children… (Here I am with two other blogging friends)So.
How did I go from working full time, as a teacher, to being a stay at home mom? Let me tell you…Today I want to share a sneak peek of my book, You Can be a Stay At Home Mom on One Income {money saving tips}, where I talk about making money from home, among other things. DON’T GO! Don’t go shopping for things that you don’t need! If I go to the store, I will be buying things.
Of course, I love to shop, but shopping with young kids is a challenge in itself, so that is enough of a reason for me to stay home or do something a little more kid- friendly (and free!)SAVE ON GROCERIES: If you are thinking about grocery shopping and saving money, you will want to refer to this post that I made earlier: saving money on groceries- 1. LOT of money at the grocery store, without coupons. SHOP DURING SUPER DOUBLES.
I do use coupons when our local grocery stores offer triple coupons (they triple the coupon amount) or super doubles (where the store will double your coupon up to $1 now, so if you have a $1. I get most of our toiletries completely free using coupons. I also get baby wipes for free, snack foods, cereals and many times juice and other food items for free and a lot of other items, too (make up, medicines…)GATHER COUPONS.
I get my coupons on Sunday (usually from my Mom and my husband’s parents) and I file them by date in a little file- folder box. I wait for the great sales and I start clipping them. I didn’t want to go into how I coupon, because this post would be WAY too long, but I do explain it in my e- book. Shop only on sale.
I NEVER would pay full retail for anything. Getting a great deal on your car- If you are not afraid of a base model, you can get a great deal. My husband loves cars, but we have to be practical. We can not spend a ton of money on a car that will depreciate the moment it leaves the lot, while we have four growing children at home that are getting MORE expensive as they get older. We normally buy either a (well- kept, low- miles) used car or the new car that they were trying to get rid of because it is a manual instead of the automatic. Getting a stick- shift will save you thousands on a car purchase, if you can drive one (trust me, it is easier than people think!).
CLOTHING & SHOES: I stack clearance items with a coupon. Kohls has so many sales of 7. Match that with the 3. Our kids all got new tennis shoes for $2. They were about $7- $1. They had their tennis shoes on clearance at our local Kohls, so we just went in and found them and added our 3. Our kids shoes DO NOT last long in this house- they love to play outside and run around, so getting a good deal is a must when they only last a few months (not to mention how quickly little feet grow!)SWAP: Also, try having a clothing swap with your friends!
It will save you ton of money and everyone loves it! It’s a win- win! EATING OUT: We rarely eat out, but when we do, we use Restaurant. It gives us a huge savings, so we aren’t breaking the bank and we can do it a little more often. This is really a great way to eat out without spending much- and you can buy the gift certificates from there and just save them for up to a year. If they ever expire, they have switched them to newer ones for me (I buy them for gifts, too). Most of my friends and our whole family (brother & his family, my parents, my Aunt/Uncle…) all use them, too. Here is how they work: To get started, you can search by zip code, state, or popular city nationwide. Once you’ve found a restaurant you like, you can choose to purchase a $1. Keep in mind that these “gift certificates” are really coupons that have a minimum purchase requirement and other stipulations. There is a minimum purchase, so for full rules & regulations and to learn more…Restaurant.
TOY SWAP: Have your friends bring over their “not played with anymore” kid toys & you all just swap them out for each others toys. This is best to do when the kids are not around to say “WHAT?! You are giving away the Barney toy that I have not touched or looked at in three years? That is my favorite toy in the whole world! You can’t give it away!” See more on Hosting a Toy Swap Here. PRESCHOOLHave your own “Preschool” with friends: The above activities (find more activities here), paired with a few play dates and lessons from you at home can easily replace preschool, in my opinion. I think preschool is great when your child is about to enter Kindergarten, but if you can save during the years prior… do it.
You could even find a free Mothers Morning Out program- I was in one years ago where we just all had our kids at a local church (8- 1. Once every six weeks, I would be the “teacher” of the kids.
During the other five weeks, I did not have to be there, because someone else was the ‘teacher’. You could easily arrange this with a few friends.