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Hitler’s Early Views On The Jews - A Critique. History Articles. Hitler’s Early Views On The Jews. A Critique. By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2. Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner& Link To Real Jew News(SM)Support The Brother Nathanael Foundation! HEREOr Send Your Contribution To: The Brother Nathanael Foundation, PO Box 5.

Priest River ID 8. E- mail: bronathanael@yahoo. AS WE EXPLOREa sampling of Hitler’s early views on the Jews, we shall discover striking parallels to conditions existing in our own day. Jewish propagandists would have us believe that Hitler’s unfavorable attitude toward Jewry was based solely on a “racial” hostility between Aryans and the Jewish people. But as we examine Hitler’s early views regarding the Jewish Question, we do not find a predominantly racial line of disputation, but rather, a social line of argumentation.

Although the future Führer did identify Jewry as having a “racial character” formed by centuries of Jewish insulation within their host nations, he did not ground his opposition on genetic predetermination. Thus, the accusation that Hitler was a “racist” is a Jewish lie. Beginning with a letter written in 1. Jewry’s influence in the Weimar Republic, Hitler stressed the need for a rational basis for anti- Semitism that would oppose the ethos and actions of Jewry: “Anti- Semitism as a political movement cannot be defined by emotional impulses but by recognition of the facts. The facts are these: First, Jewry is absolutely a race and not a religious association. Jews never designate themselves as Jewish Germans, Jewish Poles, or Jewish Americans - but always as German, Polish, or American Jews. Through thousands of years of the closest kind of inbreeding, Jews have maintained their peculiarities far more distinctly than many of the peoples among whom they have lived.

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Thus there lives amongst us an alien race that neither wishes to neither sacrifice its racial character nor deny its feeling, thinking, and striving. Nevertheless, it possesses all the political rights we do. If the ethos of the Jews is revealed in the purely material realm, it is even clearer in their thinking and striving. In their dance around the golden calf the value of the individual is no longer decided by his character but by the size of his fortune. The loftiness of a nation is no longer to be measured by the sum of its moral and spiritual powers, but rather by the wealth of its material possessions.

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This thinking and striving after money and power, and the feelings that go along with it, serve the purposes of the Jew who is unscrupulous in the choice of methods and pitiless in their employment. Watch Occupant Online Facebook more. His power is the power of money, which multiplies in his hands through interest, and which forces peoples under the most dangerous of yokes. Its golden glitter, so attractive in the beginning, conceals the ultimately tragic consequences. Everything men strive after as a higher goal, be it religion, socialism, democracy, is to the Jew only means to an end, the way to satisfy his lust for gold and domination.

In his effects and consequences he is like a racial cancer of the nations. Thus, an anti- Semitism based purely on emotional grounds will find its ultimate expression in the form of the pogrom.

But an anti- Semitism based on reason must lead to a systematic legal elimination of the privileges of the Jews. The ultimate objective of such legislation must, however, be the irrevocable removal of the Jews from civil and cultural influence. To this end, the installation of nationally- minded leadership personalities with an inner sense of responsibility is necessary.”View Entire Story. Here. CLEARLY, HITLER OUTLINEDa “social” problem posed by Jewry in its materialistic pursuits that acted as a “cancer” upon Germany.

This could only be eliminated by denying the Jews civil and cultural influence through legal means. As mentioned above, the relevance of Hitler’s early views on the Jews to today’s Jewish problem is to be considered. The question must be asked: Is a legal denial of Jewry’s pernicious influence on society the means of ridding ourselves of the Jewish menace? IS THIS A GERMAN? WHEN DESCRIBING IN 1. Jewry, Hitler established in the opening chapters of Mein Kampf a formative model for his anti- Jewish polemic.

This model was set forth not in racial terms, but again, based on the activities pursued by Jewry, which Hitler viewed as destructive to the culture and destiny of Germany. First, let us explore an “encounter” the future Führer experienced with a religious Jew while walking the streets of Vienna when still a young artist which acted as a catalyst for his ensuing opposition to Jewry: “In the Jew I saw only a man who was of a different religion, and therefore, on grounds of human tolerance, was against the idea that he should be attacked because he had a different faith. Once, when passing through the inner city of Vienna, I suddenly encountered a phenomenon in a long caftan and wearing black side- locks.

My first thought was: ‘Is this a Jew? They certainly did not have this appearance in Linz.’ But the longer I gazed at the strange countenance and examined it feature by feature, the more the question shaped itself in my mind: ‘Is this a German?’”View Entire Story. Here. IT WAS AT THIS JUNCTUREthat Hitler began to consider the role of the Jew in Germany’s cultural life: “As soon as I began to investigate the matter and observe the Jews, then Vienna appeared to me in a different light. What soon gave me cause for very serious consideration were the activities of the Jews in certain branches of life. Was there any undertaking, any form of foulness, especially in cultural life, in which at least one Jew did not participate? I discovered the Jewish activities in the press, in art, in literature and the theatre. One needed only to look at the posters announcing the hideous productions of the cinema and study the names of the authors in order to become permanently adamant on Jewish questions.

Here was a pestilence with which the public was being infected. I began to carefully investigate the names of all the fabricators of these unclean products. The result of that inquiry was still more disfavourable to the attitude to which I had hitherto held in regard to the Jews. The fact that nine- tenths of all the smutty literature, artistic tripe and theatrical banalities, had to be charged to the account of people who formed scarcely one per cent of the nation - that fact could not be gainsaid.”View Entire Story. Here & Here. NO HINTof racial profiling here, dear readers.

And as the saying goes, “Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.”For although Hitler did try to change the cultural degradation perpetrated by German Jewry - the moral depravity remains the same throughout the Western world. Perhaps another “führer” who understands “legalities” will arise and apply some Old Deutsch Cleanser once again…___________________________________Support The Brother Nathanael Foundation! Watch The Man In The Shadows Dailymotion. Or Send Your Contribution To: The Brother Nathanael Foundation, PO Box 5. Priest River ID 8. E- mail: bronathanael@yahoo. For More See: Will A New Hitler Arise? Click Here. And: How The Jews Prompted A German Backlash.

Click Here. And: Will A Military Coup Save America? Click Here. And: Did Hitler Have Reason To Hate The Jews? Click Here. And: The Judaic Destruction Of Western Culture. Click Here. CLICK: Brother Nathanael!

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The Ugly Reality Of Dating Japanese Women – Return Of Kings. I’ve been on Return of Kings for quite a while, reading and enjoying my fair share of wisdom, sardonic humor, and women bashing. Lots of women bashing.

Now I won’t condemn this because I do it too and I understand the frustration. However, I’ve seen way too many men criticize women as a whole but then start praising Eastern Asian women. Some of these countries include Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, etc.

For this article, I will speak only about Japan; having been there myself. Men on this site preach the red pill but forget that it applies to all women, not just women in certain countries. So with that said, it is time I debunk some of these myths and bring you the reality. What I’ve experienced comes from dating Japanese women myself and speaking with foreign men that lives there. I’ve also had conversations with Japanese men as well that were married or dating. In Japan, there is a huge emphasis on avoiding shame. As a whole, Japanese society stresses the image of something as of utmost importance.

This means that the avoidance of responsibility and duplicity could be more prevalent depending on the situation. On the bright side most of what I will mention below could be fixed by simply making it clear from the beginning what you will and will not tolerate. There are cultural differences here to consider and you need to try extra hard to get the point across. For some men unfortunately, you will encounter the following problems. Docile and submissive? Lol no. Many men are under the assumption that Japanese women are nice, submissive, and obedient. There was a time in Japan where women were expected to behave this way but it is not like that anymore.

Japanese women tend to act this way when you are simply dating them. They will cook for you. They will stop by your house to drop off a gift that was bought for you. All will seem nice and well until you put that ring on.

When that happens, the act will disappear. If she seems just like the misguided stereotype that you’ve read about then trust me when I say that she is deceiving you! Trust me on this. You are being lured into a trap and it will come in the form of an “accidental” pregnancy, stalking, and just everything seeming like it’s too good to be true. Do not be deceived. You should be even more alert if she knows that you are wealthy or of high status.

No control over finances. In Japan, women tend to manage the money.

The husband works many hours a week, gets his paycheck, and comes home only to give all of the money to the wife. This happens even if the wife is not working, which is also common as Japan still has a large portion of married women who are homemakers. When it comes to making financial decisions, is also common for the wife to have the final say. I’m talking about furniture, vacations, transportation, and more. The wife typically makes all of these decisions. I don’t know about you guys but I have a problem with this. I ran into this problem with an ex of mine.

She wanted access to my checking account and began telling me what I should buy with my own money. I told her that I will do what I want with my money and that she has no business asking me about my financial assets. Of course this was a problem so I broke up with her. Extreme passive aggressiveness. Here is a conversation I had with a woman I was dating.

I was staying at her house and this was late at night; not too long after we had sex. Her: I’m hungry. Go to the store and grab me something to eat. Me: What? Her: Go to the store and grab me something to eat. Me: Get something out of the refrigerator. It’s too late and I don’t feel like leaving now. Her: Fine then. I had a taste for Onigiri [steamed rice balls] which I don’t have here but that is okay.

I will just not eat though I am hungry. Watch Lowriders Online Freeform on this page. I left out the house and never came back. Of course she called multiple times over the next several weeks wondering what happened to me, but I was gone for good. I just cannot stand such blatant and poor attempts to manipulate me. This is all too common in Japan. The people there do their best to avoid conflict.

There is a huge emphasis on this and a strong aversion to complaining, even to your loved ones in private. Being seen as a complainer is one of the worse things possible in Japan.

No matter how bad things are going for you, suck it up. A direct consequence of this is the inability to really speak directly and candidly. In Japan, it is nearly impossible to get someone to be forthright about something.

You can ask someone something and they will smile and say “maybe” but what they really mean is a big fat NO. This will include your personal relationships when dating so be prepared for a barrage of passive aggressiveness. You thought American women and their shit tests were bad?

Ha! You haven’t seen anything yet. Mental health. Something that really needs to be mentioned is that Japan doesn’t really have a mental healthcare industry. Many women are running around there with some serious unchecked mental issues and you would not have the faintest idea at first. Problems such as abuse can be seen as normal and that behavior will be projected towards you.

There is also the chance of her pulling off a disappearing act, leaving you wondering what the hell happened. Your children will be taken away from you. This is simple. You marry a Japanese women and then that day comes when you finally go through divorce. Guess what? She will take away the children.

You think it’s bad in the USA when women try to get full custody? In Japan, the wife will take them away from you and disappear. In the United States at least some courts treat some men fairly.  Unlike Japan in which the court system won’t even try to help you. Sex will be withheld from you. Another simple thing that needs to be mentioned is that all too often many men get married in Japan and have their first child. Only to see that his wife has stopped having sex with him. Many men on ROK have said this is a deal breaker so nothing more needs to be said on the subject.

There is also infidelity to consider. It doesn’t happen as often as countries like Russia, the USA, or the UK, but it still happens more than you think. Many husbands and wives in Japan have their own mistresses and both are aware of it and don’t care.

I don’t think I need to explain why. A belief that isn’t totally uncommon in Japan is that paying for sex isn’t considered cheating. In conclusion. Does any of what I mentioned sound familiar? I hope so because these are exactly the same complaints men on ROK typically have regarding women out here in the West. What needs to be said is that all women behave the same way generally speaking unless the culture checks that behavior. That is it. I ask that you be very careful when dating, no matter where the woman is from.

Read Next: Introduction To Japanese Girls.