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The Ten Most Haunted Places in Michigan. A dirt path leads to a cemetery, covered with fallen branches and hung with cobwebs; a strange fog closes in while bats screech overhead; the howls of a black cat echo through the night as the sun sets on the Haunted Mitten. With Halloween approaching, Michiganders are searching for places to scare themselves silly, so here is our list of the ten most haunted places in the state. Photo by Andrew Jameson (Wikimedia)1.

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The Traverse City State Hospital. Constructed in 1. Traverse City State Hospital is perhaps the most eerie place in Grand Traverse County. Originally an asylum for the mentally unstable, during its active years the hospital also housed those afflicted with tuberculosis, typhoid, diphtheria, and polio.

House On Haunted Hill Full Movie Online Free

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Although the Gothic- style buildings have undergone renovations since 2. Underground tunnels and caged balconies add to the spooky visual stimuli and, located on the trails behind the buildings, there is said to be a portal to Hell under “The Hippy Tree”. As well as documented paranormal investigations, the State Hospital has several books dedicated to its disturbing history.

Old City Orphanage in Marquette. Formerly known as the Holy Cross Orphanage, the Old City Orphanage stands against the Marquette hills as a menacing reminder of the city’s past. Built in 1. 91. 5 and abandoned in the mid- sixties, the Catholic orphanage remains a location of lengthy narrative and legend.

According to occupants of the orphanage, the nuns were known to physically and mentally abuse the children and were fierce in their punishments. One account recalls a little girl playing outside during a blizzard and subsequently catching pneumonia. She died several days later. As a testament to her foolishness and a warning to the other children, the nuns put her body on display for all to view. The crying of children is said to be heard if passing the building on a quiet night. Photo by Geek. Christian (Wiki. Media)3. Henderson Castle in Kalamazoo.

Over a century old and supposedly host to a legion of ghosts, Kalamazoo’s Henderson Castle is now a bed and breakfast that caters to the living… and the dead. The ghosts of the home’s original owners Frank and Mary Henderson, as well as those of a Spanish- American War veteran, a little girl, and a dog interact regularly with paranormal teams and guests alike. The apparently amiable spirits have favorite forms of communication, speaking through unplugged radios, tapping unsuspecting visitors on the shoulder, and sometimes appearing in full form, wearing period clothing. Photo by Einar Einarsson Kvaran (Wikimedia)4. The Masonic Temple in Detroit. Built in 1. 91. 2 by a wealthy gentleman named George D. Mason, the Detroit Masonic Temple has over 1,0.

Mr. Mason went slightly overboard when financing the construction of the building, and eventually went bankrupt, whereupon his wife left him. Overwhelmingly depressed about his financial and personal circumstances, Mason jumped to his death from the roof of the temple. Security guards claim to see his ghost to this day, ascending the steps to the roof. The temple, abundant with cold spots, inexplicable shadows, and slamming doors, is known to intimidate visitors with the eerie feeling of being watched…5. Felt Mansion in Saugatuck. Felt Mansion, located on the Mitten’s west coast between Holland and Saugatuck, has worn several masks since its construction in 1. The mansion was originally a gift to inventor Dorr Felt’s beloved wife Agnes, who died shortly after the Felt family moved in.

After they left the home, it was transformed into a seminary, and then a police and drug enforcement agency office. It is presently being restored to its former glory. Homes with such rich history rarely remain quiet:  many believe that the spirit of Agnes Felt wanders the house she was never able to enjoy in life. A shadowy figure waltzes around the ballroom frightening the mansion’s tourists, while heavy doors open and close of their own accord. There are even accounts of Agnes reprimanding guests whom she has deemed to be too offensive or crude in her presence. Photo by Dwight Burdette (Wikimedia)6. Michigan Bell Telephone Co.

Grand Rapids. Shrouded in legend, the Michigan Bell Telephone Company stands on the grounds of what was once a lavish mansion in downtown Grand Rapids. Current employees often experience ghostly encounters due to the grisly history of this particular plot of land. It is said the Randall couple purchased the Judd- White House from its previous owners and hadn’t lived there for long before tragedy struck. How To Lose Friends &Amp; Alienate People Full Movie Part 1. Warren Randall, a railroad brakeman, lost his leg while on the job and had it replaced with a wooden prosthetic. This led to feelings of insecurity on Warren’s part, and he soon accused his wife Virginia of having an affair. Their marriage was no longer happy and arguments were often overheard from the street.

After noticing a pungent odor emanating from the mansion, workers in the building next door contacted officials to investigate. The two were found dead in the house; Warren had allegedly beaten Virginia to death with his wooden leg before slitting his own throat. The ghosts of the couple argue to this day as witnessed by employees of the company, with some saying that the Randalls are responsible for eerie prank phone calls traced back to the building after hours. River Raisin National Battlefield Park in Monroe. The largest and bloodiest encounters fought on Michigan soil, the Battles of River Raisin (also known as the Battles of Frenchtown) were devastating upsets for the United States during the War of 1. After several days of combat and an eventual surrender to the British, Americans soldiers were lead away by their captors. The maimed soldiers were abandoned, and would later be massacred by Native Americans in a surprise attack.

In this deadliest battle of the War of 1. American soldiers lost in the War were killed. Paranormal teams have held investigations at what is now known as the River Raisin National Battlefield Park and have utilized the Singapore Theory which employs the use of time- oriented objects, music, and other triggers to encourage the appearance of ghosts. Figures in doorways, windows, and on the field have been photographed, and supposed sounds of war and cries of agony recorded. Photo by Egoslam (Wikimedia)8.

The Paulding Light. Paulding, Michigan, is a small town in the Upper Peninsula known for a mysterious light display that occurs along a stretch of Highway 4. Although numerous paranormal investigators and even the Ripley’s Believe It or Not team have examined the area, no explanations for the phenomenon have ever been found.

Locals say the small spherical lights of white, red, and green are the ghosts of a railroad worker who died while trying to switch the tracks, or of a Native American man dancing along the power lines. Pere Cheney. Located near Grayling, Pere Cheney was once a bustling nineteenth century sawmill village.

Diseases like diphtheria and cholera ravaged the town and the population dwindled to double- digits before the town was eventually abandoned some time after 1. Post Office closed.

Legend has it that nothing but a strange moss grows in the village, and the cemetery, one of the very few remaining landmarks, may even hold the bones of a witch. Many visitors hear voices and witness orbs and, perhaps most frighteningly of all, there are reports of sightseers finding hand- prints on cars from children who died in the area.

White House - Wikipedia. The White House is the official residence and workplace of the President of the United States. Watch The Dark Crystal Online Facebook on this page. It is located at 1. Pennsylvania Avenue. NW in Washington, D.

C., and has been the residence of every U. S. president since John Adams in 1. The term White House is often used as a metonym for the president and his advisers, as in "The White House announced that..". Watch Decay Full Movie.

The residence was designed by Irish- born architect James Hoban[2] in the neoclassical style. Construction took place between 1. Aquia Creek sandstone painted white. When Thomas Jefferson moved into the house in 1. Benjamin Henry Latrobe) added low colonnades on each wing that concealed stables and storage.[3] In 1. War of 1. 81. 2, the mansion was set ablaze by the British Army in the Burning of Washington, destroying the interior and charring much of the exterior. Reconstruction began almost immediately, and President James Monroe moved into the partially reconstructed Executive Residence in October 1.

Exterior construction continued with the addition of the semi- circular South portico in 1. North portico in 1.

Because of crowding within the executive mansion itself, President Theodore Roosevelt had all work offices relocated to the newly constructed West Wing in 1. Eight years later in 1. President William Howard Taft expanded the West Wing and created the first Oval Office, which was eventually moved as the section was expanded. In the main mansion, the third- floor attic was converted to living quarters in 1.

A newly constructed East Wing was used as a reception area for social events; Jefferson's colonnades connected the new wings. East Wing alterations were completed in 1. By 1. 94. 8, the house's load- bearing exterior walls and internal wood beams were found to be close to failure. Under Harry S. Truman, the interior rooms were completely dismantled and a new internal load- bearing steel frame constructed inside the walls. Once this work was completed, the interior rooms were rebuilt. The modern- day White House complex includes the Executive Residence, West Wing, East Wing, the Eisenhower Executive Office Building—the former State Department, which now houses offices for the President's staff and the Vice President—and Blair House, a guest residence.

The Executive Residence is made up of six stories—the Ground Floor, State Floor, Second Floor, and Third Floor, as well as a two- story basement. The property is a National Heritage Site owned by the National Park Service and is part of the President's Park. In 2. 00. 7, it was ranked second[4] on the American Institute of Architects list of "America's Favorite Architecture". Early history. 17. Following his April 1.

President George Washington occupied two executive mansions in New York City: the Samuel Osgood House at 3 Cherry Street (April 1. February 1. 79. 0), and the Alexander Macomb House at 3. Broadway (February–August 1. In May 1. 79. 0, New York began construction of Government House for his official residence, but he never occupied it. The national capital moved to Philadelphia in December 1. The July 1. 79. 0 Residence Act named Philadelphia, Pennsylvania the temporary national capital for a 1. Federal City was under construction.

The City of Philadelphia rented Robert Morris's city house at 1. High Street (now 5.

Market Street) for Washington's presidential residence. The first president occupied the Market Street mansion from November 1. March 1. 79. 7, and altered it in ways that may have influenced the design of the White House. As part of a futile effort to have Philadelphia named the permanent national capital, Pennsylvania built a much grander presidential mansion several blocks away, but Washington declined to occupy it. President John Adams also occupied the Market Street mansion from March 1.

May 1. 80. 0. On Saturday,[5] November 1, 1. White House. The President's House in Philadelphia became a hotel and was demolished in 1. University of Pennsylvania. First Presidential Mansion: Samuel Osgood House, Manhattan, New York. Occupied by Washington: April 1.

February 1. 79. 0. Second Presidential Mansion: Alexander Macomb House, Manhattan, New York. Occupied by Washington: February–August 1. Third Presidential Mansion: President's House, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Occupied by Washington: November 1. March 1. 79. 7. Occupied by Adams: March 1.

May 1. 80. 0. Government House, Manhattan, New York (1. Built to be the permanent presidential mansion, Congress moved the national capital to Philadelphia before its completion. House intended for the President, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1. Built to be the permanent presidential mansion, neither Washington nor Adams would occupy it. Architectural competition. A 1. 79. 3 elevation by James Hoban. His 3- story, 9- bay original submission was altered into this 2- story, 1.

The President's House was a major feature of Pierre (Peter) Charles L'Enfant's' plan for the newly established federal city, Washington, D. C. (see: L'Enfant Plan).[7][8] The architect of the White House was chosen in a design competition which received nine proposals, including one submitted anonymously by Thomas Jefferson.[9]President Washington visited Charleston, South Carolina in May 1. Southern Tour", and saw the under- construction Charleston County Courthouse designed by Irish architect James Hoban. He is reputed to have met with Hoban then.

The following year, he summoned the architect to Philadelphia and met with him in June 1. On July 1. 6, 1. 79. President met with the commissioners of the federal city to make his judgment in the architectural competition.

His review is recorded as being brief, and he quickly selected Hoban's submission.[1. Washington was not entirely pleased with the original submission, however; he found it too small, lacking ornament, and not monumental enough to house the nation's president. On his recommendation, the house was changed from three stories to two, and was widened from a nine- bay facade to an 1. Hoban's competition drawings do not survive.[citation needed]Design influences.

The building has classical inspiration sources, that could be found directly or indirectly in the Roman architect Vitruvius or in Andrea Palladio styles; Palladio being an Italian architect of the Renaissance which had a considerable influence on the Western architecture (Palladian architecture). The building Hoban designed is verifiably influenced by the upper floors of Leinster House, in Dublin, which later became the seat of the Oireachtas (the Irish parliament).[1.

Several other Georgian- era Irish country houses have been suggested as sources of inspiration for the overall floor plan, details like the bow- fronted south front, and interior details like the former niches in the present Blue Room. These influences, though undocumented, are cited in the official White House guide, and in White House Historical Association publications. The first official White House guide, published in 1.

Hoban's design for the South Portico and Château de Rastignac, a neoclassical country house located in La Bachellerie in the Dordogne region of France and designed by Mathurin Salat. Construction on the French house was initially started before 1. French Revolution for twenty years and then finally built 1.

Salat's pre- 1. 78. The theoretical link between the two houses has been criticized because Hoban did not visit France.

Supporters of a connection posit that Thomas Jefferson, during his tour of Bordeaux in 1.